– Jakarta, the holy month of Ramadhan 1444 H in 2023 AD will arrive in a few days. Not only in Indonesia, Muslims around the world have been waiting for this blessed month.
The month of Ramadan is a month full of blessings. All the worship performed by Muslims in the month of Ramadan will be multiplied by Allah SWT.
It’s time to clean the sooty soul, it’s time to return to Him, to be grateful for the beauty of His mercy. It’s time to reflect on ourselves together, we melt the mistakes, with fasting and good deeds and sincerity in the soul. Let’s welcome the month full of blessings with joy.
To welcome this holy month of Ramadan, it’s good for us to forgive each other and also apologize to family, relatives and friends.
I am the general chairman of the Partai Indonesia Bangkit Bersatu (PARTAI IBU) Dr. Dr. Zulki Zulkifli Noor, ST., SH., MH., M.Kn. MM. and the entire Management of the Central Leadership Council, Regional Leadership Council, Branch Leadership Council and National Branch Children’s Leadership Council Say, “Marhaban Ya Ramadhan Happy Welcoming the Holy Month of Ramadan 1444 Hijriah. Minal Aidin Walfaizin Sorry to be Born and Inner.
One year without realizing it, Ramadhan has returned. Hopefully what is passed and done will be good in this holy month. Marhaban Ya Ramadhan. Happy fasting,” said Zulki Zulkifli.
(Dh. L./Ed.)